Massage is a process applied to body with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, feet, or a massage device, to fix and regulate functions of neural system, muscular system and bloodstream, based on significant systems and scientific principles. Massage is used to relieve the pain, decreases the nodules, eases the muscles, and accelerates the healing of the strain and flexion emerged in the consequence of wounding. Contrary to what is believed, massage does not cause to diminish power of the muscle or does not procure to be destroyed the fat accumulated in the body.Massage implementation is based on physiological principles. For an example: massage applied a part of the body decreases or overcomes aches arising from internal organs. Differences caused by massage on skin vessels change situation of underlying circulation. Massage can be use to facilitate absorption of accumulated liquids. Massage applied on muscles, if it is applied before a working, muscles are prepared activity and makes easy the action supplying more blood flow and heating muscles slowly.